1. Identification data of the service provider
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34 / 2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, you are informed that the owner of this Website is:
Peritus Ciberseguridad, S.L.
St. Utiel 6, 46020 - Valencia, Spain
VAT ES-B40633596
Mercantile Registry of Valencia, volume 10776, book 8055, page 64, section 8, page V 191203.
Telephone: 96.314.51.06
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Introduction
This Legal Notice regulates the use of the Website https://www.escapeweb.es (hereinafter the Website) and any other hosted under the same domain, owned by Peritus Ciberseguridad, S.L. (hereinafter Peritus Ciberseguridad or the Owner).
Access to the Website is free except for those costs that are related to the connection to the telecommunications network provided by the Internet network access provider contracted by the users.
3. Acceptance of the conditions
Access to the Website and its use attributes the condition of user thereof and implies acceptance of all the conditions and terms of use included in this Legal Notice. That is why it is recommended that all users read this Legal Notice carefully and review it periodically, since the conditions contained therein may be modified at any time.
The Owner reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of use and conditions of this Website. Any change in this regard will be published visibly on the Website, indicating the date on which the last modification was made at the top of the document. If the user continues to use the services provided on the Website once its conditions of use have been modified, it will be understood that they accept the modifications that have been made to them.
4. Website security
Accessing and browsing the contents of this Website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, terms of use and conditions contained therein. The Owner makes every effort so that navigation can be carried out in the best conditions and avoid any type of damage that may be caused during it.
The Owner is not responsible for damages of any kind that may be caused to Users by using Internet browsers or versions other than those for which the Website was designed.
5. Obligations of the user of the Website
5.1 Obligation to make correct use of the Website
The conditions of access and use of this Website are subject to current legislation and the principles of good faith and lawful use by the User of the same, being prohibited, in general, any type of action to the detriment of the Owner and contrary to the this Legal Notice.
The User agrees to use this Website without engaging in activities that may be considered unlawful or illegal, that infringe the rights of the Owner, or of third parties, or that may damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Website or prevent normal operation. use of it by other users.
5.2 Prohibitions
The use of this Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes is prohibited, specifically and without limitation:
- Any form of violation of the rights of third parties (right to privacy, right to one's own image, intellectual and industrial property rights, etc.).
- Carry out, using the contents of this website, any type of advertising such as sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
- Introduce computer viruses, defective files or any other software or computer program that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the contents or systems accessible through this Website.
6. News
The information that appears on this Website is current on the date of its last update. The Owner reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information on this Website.
7. Intellectual property
All the information contained in this Website, as well as its graphic design and the codes used, are protected by copyright or other protection rights contained in Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law. These rights belong exclusively to the Owner, or to its licensors, therefore, any act of reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication is expressly excluded, as well as any type of assignment, of all or part of the content of this site, and in general of any object that according to current legislation is protectable by intellectual property regulations.
All content on the Website and all content available through the Owner's products and services including designs, text, graphics, images, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, as well as their selection and arrangement (hereinafter The Content) are the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors, with all rights reserved.
No part of the Website Content may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, republished, downloaded, extracted, displayed, published, transmitted or sold in any way or by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent. of the Holder. You may not upload or republish Website Content on any Internet, Intranet or Extranet site or integrate the information into databases or compilations. Any other use of the Website Content is strictly prohibited.
The content of this Website must not be used for public dissemination or for commercial purposes and must not be modified without the prior written consent of the Owner. Some multimedia elements that are used on the Web Site have been downloaded from public or private databases and the amounts established by their authors or their rights managers have been paid, if necessary, in order to be able to use them commercially.
8. Trademarks
All the brands, logos and anagrams shown on this Website are the property of the Owner, or of third-party companies. The use, without prior consent, of any element of this Website that is subject to protection in accordance with current legislation on industrial property is expressly prohibited. In particular, trademarks, trade names, store signs, denominations, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to the Holder may not be used.
9. Privacy Policy
The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data, through the email owned by the Owner, made available to Users, responds, depending on the specific case, to manage and respond to requests for information, doubts or suggestions, or to the publications or to any services or activities, acts or events provided, offered, sponsored and/or sponsored by the Owner.
Regarding the conservation period, the personal data provided will be kept for the corresponding period to comply with legal obligations, or its deletion is requested by the interested party and they are entitled to do so.
The Holder is entitled to the processing of personal data, based on the consent granted by the interested party for one or more specific purposes, as stated in article 6.1. a) of the General Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data.
The processing of data of minors under fourteen years of age will require the consent of their parents or guardians.
The Holder will articulate the necessary procedures to verify the age of the minor and the authenticity of the consent given by the parents or legal representatives.
When a minor participates in a promotion organized by the Owner, the identification data of her father or guardian, her postal address and email address will be requested, for the purpose of obtaining her consent. Likewise, a copy of the D.N.I. and/or family book to determine parentage.
On the other hand, in order that the data contained in our files, computerized and/or on paper, always correspond to reality, we will try to keep it updated. So, for these purposes, the User must make the changes directly, when this is enabled in the Control Panel of the Website, or by communicating, by reliable means, to the area or department corresponding to the Owner.
The personal data collected through the email owned by the person responsible for the treatment, will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in the cases necessary for the development, control and fulfillment of the expressed purpose/s, in the cases provided by Law , as well as in specific cases, of which the User is expressly informed.
However, the interested party of the personal data may in any case exercise the rights that assist him, in accordance with the GDPR, and which are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party.
- Right to request its rectification or deletion.
- Right to request the limitation of your treatment.
- Right to oppose the treatment.
- Right to data portability.
The interested party may exercise such rights by means of a request accompanied by a photocopy of his ID, and in which he will specify which of these he requests to be satisfied, sent to the address of Peritus Ciberseguridad, S.L. that appears in the first section of this Legal Notice.
Finally, it is reported that the Owner will adopt in its information system the legally required technical and organizational measures, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, thus avoiding its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access; taking into account the state of the art, the application costs, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as variable probability and severity risks associated with each of the treatments.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected].
10. Responsibility
The User will be solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or the damages that may be caused to third parties due to the improper or illegitimate use of the Website. The Owner will not be responsible for any possible damages or losses that could be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of electronic or computer systems, caused by causes beyond the control of the company, of which delays or blockages in the use of said systems caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system or in other electronic systems.
The Owner does not guarantee the veracity nor is it responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content provided by third parties that may appear on this Website.
In the same way, The Owner is not responsible for the contents, products or services that can be viewed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, through the Website, except in those cases provided for in article 17 of Law 34. /2002, of July 12, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI). In the event that a user considers that there is a site linked to illegal or inappropriate content, they must notify the Owner.
The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship between the Owner and the individuals and entities that own the pages to which they give access or the recommendation, promotion or identification of the Owner, with the statements, content or services provided through them. The Owner reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links that appear on its Website.
The Owner does not know the contents and services of the linked sites and therefore is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error or uselessness of the same or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to the owner of each of these linked sites.
The Holder disclaims responsibility for "cookies" that third parties may install on the hard drive of the user's computer.
11. Communications
For any communication that needs to be made, they must send an email to [email protected] or send a written communication to the Holder using the information provided in the first section of this Legal Notice.
12. Jurisdiction and applicable law
The terms and conditions that govern this Website and all the relationships that may derive from it are safeguarded by Spanish legislation.
Any dispute that may arise from accessing or using this Website will be the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Valencia.