1. Identification data of the service provider
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and
Electronic Commerce, you are informed that the owner of this Website is:
Peritus Ciberseguridad, S.L.
St. Utiel 6, 46020 - Valencia, Spain
VAT ES-B40633596
Mercantile Registry of Valencia, volume 10776, book 8055, page 64, section 8, page V 191203.
Telephone 96.314.51.06
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Introduction
This document containing the Terms and Conditions of use, regulates the use of online games (hereinafter the Games) made available to users of the Website https://www.escapeweb.es (hereinafter the Website) and any other hosted under the same domain, whose owner is Peritus Cybersecurity, S.L. (hereinafter Peritus Ciberseguridad or the Owner). It regulates the use of Games and the servers in which the online purchase systems are stored, storage of information of any kind and communication systems necessary for their use.
3. Acceptance of the rules
Access to the Website and the acquisition of the Games attributes the condition of client of the same and implies acceptance of all the rules, conditions and terms of use included in these Terms and Conditions. If the User of the Website disagrees or does not wish to accept these rules, You must not purchase, use or play our Games.
The Holder reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of use and conditions of this Website. Any change in this regard will be published visibly on the Website indicating the date on which the last modification was made at the top of the document. If the user continues to use the services provided on the Website once they have been modified the conditions of use of the same, it will be understood that you accept the modifications that have been made in them.
4. Using our games
When a Client acquires a license to use any of our Games paying the amount of the same through the collection platforms that have been implemented in the store (currently Paypal or the Virtual POS of Banco de Santander), even in the event that do not pay any amount for said license because it is a free game or for making use of a gift ticket, you receive authorization to use the Game on any device computer owned by him.
The User can share this use license with other people using the mechanisms enabled on the Website for this purpose, or directly communicating the Unique URL access code that is provided to you once the purchase is complete and that enables access to the Game.
This right of use extends to a maximum of 24 hours from the moment the User, or any of the people with whom you have shared the Unique Access URL, start the Game through the access screen to the same that is accessed with said Unique URL.
The Owner is not responsible for damages, of any kind, that may be caused Users for the use of internet browsers or versions other than those for which the Games were designed.
Actions intended to hack, decompile or modify the Site are not allowed Web or the Games in any way. This includes design, code, content, and data.
The User is responsible for any form of violation of the rights of third parties (right to privacy, right to one's own image, intellectual and industrial property rights, etc.) that is carried out through the Website or the Games, specifically the mechanisms that allow the User to store information on our servers or send information to third parties.
5. User accounts in the web site
In order to purchase one of our Games, even in the case of free games, it is necessary carry out the registration process in the users section of the Website. The data you provide the user as part of the record must be correct. The user can change the data if not are updated or notify us of such changes in a reliable manner. The Holder reserves the right to cancel any user account that indicates incorrect data.
The User is responsible for the information entered into the system, as well as for the activity that sign in to his account. It is your responsibility to protect such data, and at this point we do special mention that our staff will never ask a User to provide their password. If a user suspects that a third party may have access to her access data, she must proceed to modify them using the control panel that appears on the Website.
6. Purchase conditions
On the Website you can carry out purchases of licenses for the use of Games. To this end, the Website makes use of technologies that allow the integration of services offered by providers of external services. To carry out the acquisition of the Games it may be necessary to abandon the Website and carry out the economic transaction on the website of a third party, such as at the POS Virtual Bank of Santander. Both the transactional aspects and these Terms and Conditions are covered by our external service providers.
The price of the Games and the accepted payment methods are specified on the Website and in the event that taxes are applied to them, such as Value Added Tax (I.V.A.) This is already included in said price. The Owner reserves the right to modify prices and payment methods, reflecting said change on the Website. I also know reserves the right to return a payment without completing a transaction if the Game purchased or its price were posted in error. The prices shown on the Website are in Euros. The company issuing the credit card used by the User to make the payment may perform security checks during the purchase process to ensure the identity of the person making the purchase.
7. Returns, refunds and cancellation
The regulations in force applicable to the services marketed through this Website considered as an exception to the usual rule regarding the right of withdrawal when dealing with of digital products, thus being excluded from it. This implies that once the purchase of any of our Games, this will be final, and there is no possibility to give up on her.
By not making the sale of physical products that require a shipping procedure, it is not possible
make returns of our Games or request refunds of them.